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Best Low-Light Plants to Brighten Up Your Home

ByHachiskitchen Staff
Updated: Jul 17, 2024

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For folks living in homes that don't get much sun, whether it's because you're facing north, got a bunch of trees playing keep-away with the sunlight, or you're just snug as a bug with neighbors close by, finding the right indoor plants might seem like a tall order. But don't sweat it! There's a whole lineup of houseplants that are more than happy to chill in the low light, ready to spruce up those dim corners of your pad. We're talking ferns, lilies, orchids, and more – these green buddies are here to bring a slice of the great outdoors right into your living room.

01. Maidenhair Fern
Maidenhair Fern
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Let's kick things off with Maidenhair ferns (Adiantum). These beauties are part of a big family of 250 varieties that are all about adding a bit of delicate charm to your indoor scene. They dig indirect light, like what you'd get from a window facing north, and they're all about that humid life. Keep the soil nice and damp, steer clear of drafts, and you'll have yourself a lush, happy plant.


02. ZZ Plant
ZZ Plant
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We've got ZZ plants (Zanzibar Gems), and tough cookies from Eastern Africa that are no strangers to indoor living. They're cool with indirect light and, although they can hang tight during a drought, giving them a drink now and then keeps them looking sharp. Their waxy leaves and sleek stems are sure to catch the eye in any room.


03. English Ivy
English Ivy
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English ivy isn't just for the great outdoors; it can also jazz up your indoor space. It thrives in filtered light and needs a bit of TLC with watering until it's all settled in. After that, you can ease up on the waterworks. This climber brings a dash of sophistication wherever it goes.


04. Orchids
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Orchids are like the unicorns of the shade-loving flower world. Low maintenance? Check. Water them once in a blue moon, park them somewhere bright but out of direct sunlight, and give them a sprinkle of fertilizer a few times a month to keep those blooms coming.


05. Peace Lily
Peace Lily
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Peace lilies are the evergreens that keep on giving, blooming throughout the year if you play your cards right. They're fans of the warm and cozy, preferring temps above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and spots with indirect light. Just keep the soil moist (but not soggy), and remember, they're not pet-friendly.


06. Chinese Evergreens
Chinese Evergreens
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Chinese evergreens are all about that bright, eye-catching foliage and are pretty laid-back when it comes to light. They won't throw a fit if you forget to water them now and then.


07. Boston Fern
Boston Fern
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Boston ferns are another great pick for adding a pop of green without needing direct sunlight. Just keep the soil from going dry, and you're golden.


08. Gloxinia Plants
Gloxinia Plants
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Gloxinia plants are a bit on the diva side, needing just the right amount of indirect light and moist soil to keep from hitting the snooze button. Feed them every two weeks when they're showing off their flowers, and you'll be rewarded with a stunning display.


09. Prayer Plants
Prayer Plants
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Prayer plants stand out with their vibrant green leaves and pink stripes, loving the low light and craving humidity. A little water and some diluted fertilizer every couple of weeks will keep them looking snazzy.


10. Peperomia Prostrata
Peperomia Prostrata
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Don't overlook the Peperomia prostrata, aka creeping buttons or turtle strings. These cuties are all about the easy life, needing just a bit of water and some indirect light to thrive.


The Final Words
The Final Words

So, there you have it – a whole crew of plants ready to green up the darker spots in your home. Just because you're a bit light-challenged doesn't mean you can't have a thriving indoor garden. These plants are proof that a little shade can lead to a lot of green goodness.


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